Hello 👋🏽

Welcome to the “work-dump” for my undergraduate thesis. This was my greatest attempt at an extensive reflective log until 2022, as I navigated my way during the Xperimenters Programme at Science Gallery Bengaluru.

If you want to get a little bit of context regarding the Xperimenters programme, check out this blog post. Feel free to add in your comments wherever you’d like :)

/Backlog (all pending tasks)

I followed an agile project management process called Scrum. This section contained a backlog of all my tasks during the programme.

/Today: 17/07/2022 (last updated)

This section contained all the tasks that I’d be taking up that day in the form of a checklist.

<aside> 🖥️ Website



All (128) blog posts are displayed here. Use the search bar on the right to search for specific tags / dates / topics. The default method for sorting is descending order of the date published.


See how each day looks / looked like during the course of my project in the form of task checklists.

From April 27th - May 23rd, I was on a break (finishing college formalities / conducting other events). This is why that timeframe does not contain any tasks.

Master Calendar

🙋🏽‍♂️ Thanks for checking this page out. Feel free to add comments.

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