After my interaction with Dr. Shashi Thutupalli, I was looking at behaviour of active matter (while attempting to build a motility induced phase separation simulation). A while ago, I’d also listened to a talk by Damon Centola, titled *The Network Dynamics of Social Change.* The itch to create something combining the two was far too great to avoid.

Over the weekend, I finally had some time to build a contagion simulator as I finally figured out particle collision for a system of particles while building the game for my Public Engagement Programme.

GIF Best.mp4

You can add infected particles at any x & position using your mouse and see how it plays out. Good theory for visually seeing how contagions might spread in interacting populations.

All Sides.mp4

I tried a variety of approaches as suggested by Centola. Change agents at the ends of the network as well as from the center. Here are some approaches sped up to fit a 30s window:

Contagion All Speed.mp4